"Heart Attack" was co-written by Lovato, Mitch Allan, Jason Evigan, Sean Douglas and Nikki Williams, and produced by the Suspex. It's the first single off Demi's forthcoming 2013 album release, the follow-up to 2011's Unbroken.
She hasn't announced yet when she will drop her album, but fans first caught wind of Lovato's plans in November, when she tweeted, "Listening to rough cuts of some of my new songs.... Get excited Lovatics!!!"
In the new video message posted on Tuesday, Demi said, "For a while, I could tell that when people would talk to me, they knew my story. I think I've opened up more on this album. My life began to evolve and I started to grow. These are songs about the celebration of life and how rewarding it can be. This is what this album is about."
While Lovato is clearly focused on new music, there has still been no confirmation about her future as an "X Factor" judge. "I have no idea what's gonna happen next season," she told MTV News in December when asked about the gig. "And I don't think anybody does."
Are you excited for new music from Demi? Tell us in the comments!
Source : MTV
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